Understanding the 'Kipepeo Journey' Entries
There is a category on this blog called Kipepeo Journey. Let me enlighten you on what it is about and how it came to be…
In 2005 September, a few days to my birthday (I don’t remember the precise date) I woke up with a feeling that there is more to life than I had learned up to that moment in my life, that I had lived for over thirty of those years notwithstanding.
My mother, who happily turned 70 this year and generally made us all celebrate her birthday wherever we were (70th for goodness sakes! That’s like really old n we don wanna think of mama as old, lol) was visiting with me. So I took the opportunity to unleash my sudden feelings of 'missing something' on her.
'If I am not rich by the end of this year mama, then God is a fraud!' I stated.
I could see the shock in my mother's eyes but I was too far gone in my strong feeling of 'something more' to think much about it. And honestly, at this point, I have no idea why I equated the 'something more' with 'rich'.
Up to then, I had been a generally normal child. I went through teenage in a fairly uneventful manner, went through college in a cloud of almost-student-leader reputation and started work immediately after graduation, changed jobs in a relatively relaxed manner, and did all my things in a generally breezy manner. Honestly, I think I had been relaxed all my life up until then.
Five years on, I do not think God is a fraud. Oh! I miss the real point, by December 2005 I was nowhere close to being rich – oh my, what I'm I talking about? I was nowhere even close to a notable bank account.
However, five years on, I know who I am. I know what it means to live. I am an awake being who lives life to the fullest, and I make a healthy living out of it. I think a large part of that 'relaxed' was part of the un-wakefulness, but it is now a 'relaxed' that is conscious.
Ok! So what is Kipepeo Journey?
It is my rendition of 'I am sitting in front of the computer' blog ramblings that every blogger relapses into from time to time.
Kipepeo is a Kiswahili word for butterfly (yikes! Kiswahili is a language spoken in East Africa which is a cool mix of Arabic and local languages).
In the five years to the place where I am consciously living in my present and joyful moment, I have kept a steady journal of my experiences along that journey. Some months ago I decided, relaxed as always, (people never really change) to turn it into a fiction novel.
Fiction because first, some of the characters I have encountered that were part of the learning process were too fantastic to be included as-is as you would be required to do in a memoir. These are people who need to be crafted into fiction characters to save their reputation because in my freedom I choose not to harm anyone.
Secondly, it would really not be accurate to do a biography or any such importantly named book because there is so much that is tempered by the objectivity that is bred by age. So that, in all honesty, would be mis-leading whereas for the largest part (except when I am caught in a minor traffic offence and I need to save my b**t) I am a very honest creature.
So you can understand the 'journey' bit, but why 'Kipepeo'?
The decision to turn my journal into a novel was a dramatic one inspired by a caterpillar turned kipepeo. And thus the Kipepeo Journey was born.
So the Kipepeo Journey is my personal journal. I am presenting it as a blog because I want to carefully decide, relaxed as always, which encounters are the very best. Then I can turn it into a block buster! Yeah! I have always been a dreamer; a very relaxed dreamer.
That then is the Kipepeo Journey.